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Your Journey to Production Web3 Predictive Features Starts Now

Design and Manage the Entire Web3 Predictive Feature Lifecycle
Build, automate, and Orchestrate production-ready real-time pipelines to power any predictive feature application with fresh off-the-shelf features on demand

A Complete Infratructure

From simple declarative transformation logic to fresh web3 features you can use, develop, serve, and monitor, all in real-time.

Deploy Web3 Predictive Features in Minutes

Deploy Web3 Predictive Features in Minutes

Craft powerful data pipelines with minimal code to support not just one, but multiple predictive models at once—Seshat seamlessly compiles, orchestrates, and manages them, ensuring efficiency and scalability.

Automated Data Pipelines

Automated Data Pipelines

Effortlessly ingest and process on-chain data, enabling the smooth flow of information. Automate the creation and management of real-time, streaming, and batch data workflows to streamline predictive feature development.

Pre-Built Web3 Models

Pre-Built Web3 Models

Access a library of ready-to-use machine learning models specifically designed for Web3 applications, saving time and resources

Real-Time Predictive Analytics

Real-Time Predictive Analytics

Implement dynamic predictive features that respond in real-time, enhancing user engagement and application value.

Accelerate  Time-to-Value
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Accelerate Time-to-Value

Streamline your development process by bringing all machine learning data workflows onto Seshat, enhancing feature reusability, and speeding up iterations in complex Web3 environments

Low-Latency Deployment

Low-Latency Deployment

Enjoy fast and efficient deployment of predictive features on your dApp, ensuring a seamless user experience with minimal latency.

Dual-Engine Predictive System

Effortlessly transform, store, serve, and monitor fresh predictive feature values, all in real-time.


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Seshat's Training Dataset (TDE) Engine

Efficiently prepare your Web3 data for predictive feature development with our Training Dataset Engine. It automates data collection, cleaning, and processing, transforming blockchain transactions into ready-to-use datasets for machine learning, streamlining the path from raw data to actionable insights.


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Seshat's Real-time predictive engine (RPE)

Deploy predictive features with speed using our Real-Time Predictive Engine. RPE enables instant data analysis and model inference, providing dynamic, on-the-fly predictions for Web3 applications. This ensures your dApp reacts in real-time to user actions and blockchain events, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency.


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Real-Time Inference Data by Seshat

Streamline your data for instant decision-making with Seshat's Real-Time Inference Data solution. It effortlessly transforms online data into the format required for real-time inference, eliminating complexity and enabling your predictive models to operate with maximum efficiency. Experience seamless integration and responsive predictive features without the hassle.


The Reliability and Scalability You Expect from a Web3 Feature Development

Seshat is not a database or a processing engine. It plugs into and orchestrates on top of your existing storage and processing infrastructure for predictive feature development and deployment.

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